Supplies needed:
Tube of choice- I am using the fantastic art of Ismael Rac you can purchase Here Scrap kit called Nature Power from Bel Vidotti you can download Here Im using Vix mask 109 download it from Here
Pluglin -Xero -Porcelain
and Alien Skin - Gradient Glow
Font of choice I used Cooper Black
O.K Let's Begin:
Open a new image 600 x 600 flood fill white
Choose a paper from your kit (I choose paper19)
opy and paste onto your white background
go layers / new mask layers / from image and apply the mask /
delete the mask layer and merge group.
Open Bel Vidotti Flower01
copy and paste in center of canvas re size by 50%
duplicate twice position of choice / drop shadow during the entire procedure
Add element of choice I used:
Naturepower Bucket02 ,
pendent 02, berry 01,
bird01,basket w frog,
butterfly03, and more
When putting leaf02 re size by50 image/ rotate /
free rotate/ right 90 / OK duplicate image / image / mirror
Add your main tube of choice add drop
shadow. Now you put Xero Plugins with the following settings
50 - 128 - 128 - 0 - 0 - 255
Now, add your name
I used Alien Skin, Gradient Glow settings of choice, add copyright info.
Layers, merge, merge visible Crop the canvas to your taste.
Save as .GIF
All done!
Thank you for trying it xx
Hope you like your results
Thanks Yaibaby